UC Santa Barbara Sustainability will be hosting its 2022 Central Coast Sustainability Summit on Wednesday, October 19, 2022.
At this year’s summit, our keynote speakers will inspire agencies and thought leaders to create a shared vision and accountability for sustainability efforts in California’s central coast. During the breakout sessions we will be addressing topics related to regenerative Agriculture, waste management, clean energy access, building electrification, resiliency, institutionalizing equity, and successful collaboration. The event will bring together key players from local institutions and government agencies to build collaborations for a sustainable central coast.
The summit is planned by partners from the cities of Goleta, Santa Barbara, Carpinteria, Ventura, the County of Santa Barbara, Ventura County Regional Energy Alliance, and the Community Environmental Council, and the University of California, Santa Barbara. We seek to inspire and sustain action on complex environmental and economic issues in our region.
The event brings together elected officials, staff, faculty and interested parties from local governments and organizations to discuss common sustainability issues, share best practices, and seek partners.
To learn more and register visit https://sustainability.ucsb.edu/2022-central-coast-sustainability-summit.