3C-REN has partnered with CalCERTS, Inc. to offer HERS (Home Energy Rating System) Rater training for FREE* to qualified candidates across the tri-counties!
As the California Energy Code (Title 24 Part 6) becomes more stringent, HERS Raters are essential to the construction process as trusted third-party reviewers of the performance of a building’s major energy-using appliances.
Candidates will learn to conduct the following tests to verify the performance of various building systems:
HERS certification has several tracts depending on the individual’s focus. Pathways include:
A high school diploma or GED is recommended for enrolling in this training opportunity. For more information about what a HERS Rater does, visit WWW.CALCERTS.COM to find a detailed course listing, definitions, resources, job qualifications, and more.
To sign up for this training fill out the interest form. 3C-REN staff will follow up to schedule a short discussion about your experience and career trajectory.
*3C-REN will fully pay for training in partnership with CalCERTS, Inc. Candidates will be responsible for any field house and EPA 608 examination fees, which typically range from $200 to $325. Exams include: HERS Residential Alterations Compliance Fieldhouse and EPA 608 Universal Certification Core and Type II. These exams are required to become a HERS Rater in California and to handle refrigerants (EPA 608). In addition, 3C-REN will require candidates to complete a brief bi-annual survey for one year, detailing their experience after the class.